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When evaluating the diagram above, we begin with the end in mind. Therefore, if student achievement is our ultimate goal, we reverse engineer our approach. This means that the academy strives to start by building the character of our youth on solid foundation. We believe that the first step is cultivating and growing strong relationships, followed by providing a consistent and accountable support system. Most children, especially those living in underprivileged communities, are void of one stable committed relationship with a supportive adult. Support and trust are the two mandatory keys for any prosperous relationship. They are what allow us to effortlessly instill highly effective traits of leadership into our students. When a child feels empowered and begins to see themselves as a leader rather than a follower, they become more cognizant of their actions, which lead to a significant decrease in poor behavior and suspension rates. Students learn that highly effective leaders understand the importance of being present and are accountable to their support systems. In order to achieve our primary goals, engagement and participation are without question a natural requirement. As we accomplish the above, we flow into the accomplishment portion of our most desired goal known as student achievement. The student's success becomes our success, and in turn they can now lean on the stability of their new support system and this truly makes a complete difference.

Attendance and participation are key to any desired success or goal. Students are less likely to be disruptive in and outside of the classroom as a result of relatable and engaging delivery of curriculum. Engagement  (2).jpg

If you have ever had a hard time reaching your students, we challenge you to shift your paradigm and adopt a mindset of working to get next to your students. As the saying goes, no one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care. The Best Version of You Academy journeys into the world of the student and empowers our youth to activate the unique gifts placed inside of each and every one of them. 

“I agree selling’s a sin”, but so is telling young men
That selling is a sin if you don’t offer new ways to win”
- Andre 3000


Would you agree that it is nearly impossible to hit a target without seeing it first? We believe that exposure is key and if the expectation for our students is to continue on to higher education, we must first expose them to a college campus. This will allow them to actually get a visual of this ever so elusive target within our socioeconomically deprived communities.




Along with exposure, students must feel challenged and empowered. The intelligence and creativity of our youth is at an all time high. We must provide an atmosphere conducive to cultivate and display their gifts. We do this through a Shark Tank Presentation where students have the ability to display their business idea to a renowned panel for a chance to win a $1,000 cash prize.



A part of maximizing one's success is looking the part. It is extremely important that we provide students with the knowledge of how to present themselves in business settings. Along with this information, we also provide them with the actual attire to complete the play.